Saturday, July 24, 2010

The last post about camp...

I promise.  Then on to the travelogue.

On the last day of camp, we split the kids up into three teams.  We had them perform an "Amazing Race" kind of competition, where they went from station to station and performed tasks.  They had a camp volunteer with them who took pictures as they performed the tasks.  The pictures were then put onto a computer and shown at a rally.
Each task had something to do with the 10 days at camp.  It may have been a English class vocabulary word or something from a rally.  It was a super fun, super successful activity designed by the camp volunteers.

Pyramid by the Camp sign.  

Making words from the nature curriculum vocabulary.  Getting these kids to lie on the grass was a feat!


Spoon Race


One of the songs we had in the rallies was "Moose"  The kids were supposed to make this volunteer's hair stand up like moose antlers.  He was a totally great sport about it.

Finding bugs.

Nature beauty queen.

Dressing up and posing like a nativity scene.

Through the tire

Muscle men and women.

The kids were tired, hot and thirsty at the end but it was a fun way to end our time there.

1 comment:

Ms Barbara said...

Sounds like a blast! Are you going again next year?