Our sweet little guy loves his 姐姐。She calls him 小弟and they have a mutual admiration society.
Every evening before bed, we hang out on our bed and he practices rolling and sitting. Our daughter is the official sitting teacher.
He is pretty good at the tummy flying position! "I believe I can fly..."
Sitting takes some balance and two hands to hold you up!
All by myself!
Oh, oh..going, going.....
Yoga? Pilates? Jack LaLanne? Call it what you want...he loves to bend and stretch. (Yes, I am wearing a skirt with long underwear and socks, and no, I did not go out like that in public! At least not this time. It's cold here!).

Oh my goodness. Whatever it is, yoga or pilates, he is ADORABLE! Seriously. Sweetest little thing. I know he will miss his lessons from his sissy while she is gone. Hope she has a wonderful time in the Phillipines!
Thanks! We think he is pretty delicious!
He is so sweet!! And getting so big!!! What a strong boy! Your skirt and long underwear look cute!
I just love these pictures. They are incredible. What an awesome big sister!
What a big boy... trying to sit all by himself :)
Love checking in on you weekly, hope your daughter has a wonderful trip!!
How precious!
Can't wait to hear how your daughter's trip went!
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